Startup Observer recently spoke to our Founder and CEO, Matt Peck, about how start-ups can utilise Amazon within their sales strategy to boost sales and drive growth.
With Black Friday fast approaching, many businesses are looking for a spike in sales. Matt explains that at this most competitive time of the year, start-up businesses should seriously consider selling their products on Amazon.
Startup Observer mentions that “According to Mintel data, around 90% of people in the United Kingdom shop at Amazon, about 70% of people shop on Amazon at least once a month, while 17% use the online marketplace weekly.”
With that much potential, and with this year’s Black Friday period looking to be one of the longest sales periods ever, it would be crazy for brands not to consider selling their products on Amazon.
The four pillars of support for Amazon
Matt goes on to describe the four pillars of support that we at Market Rocket believe are integral to achieving success on Amazon and what we offer to our clients:
1. Account Management. This is best provided in the form of an account manager with real experience and expertise managing accounts on Amazon.
2. Analytics. Data is an essential part of any sales or marketing strategy, but you need someone who can interpret that data to best optimise ad engagement and performance.
3. Content Creation, including graphic design and video content. You need someone who will help your brand and products grab the attention of Amazon users scrolling through the listings.
4. Copywriting. You need organic growth as well as optimised adverts. The best way to get this is with an expert copywriter experienced in SEO for Amazon.
No single person will be able to provide all four pillars of support needed for success on Amazon and rarely can any single company achieve them either. But ideally, you want all four pillars to be able to get the most out of the Amazon marketplace and achieve success.
Therefore, at Market Rocket, we’ve assembled a team of experts in each discipline, which allows us to excel in each pillar and provide the most rounded support possible to drive growth on Amazon for our clients.
The fifth pillar of support integral to successful selling on Amazon
But there’s a fifth pillar, which is harder to define within a list like the four pillars above, and that’s the X-factor provided by Market Rocket through our fifty plus years of combined Amazon experience.
We’ve gained insights and experience of the platform that many businesses simply do not have access to and have built our Amazon team around the disciplines required to be successful on Amazon.
“The fifth pillar is that glue that holds all the other pillars together.
Having the best people in each discipline, we become stronger and add a completely different dimension to the four individual disciplines.”
Even for a global business, with a massive budget, that can afford to employ several people to work on selling their products on Amazon, it would still be difficult to build a team with the right skillset and experience to excel in all four pillars.
Brands are very good at making and/or selling their products and that’s the best place to focus their resources.
“They rarely grow by being Amazon specialists; that is our role.” Matt says.
You can read the full article on the Startup Observer website.
If you’re looking to start selling your products on Amazon or would like help growing your existing Amazon market share, get in touch with the Market Rocket team.
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